Accessibility Checklist

Results from WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria Accessibility Checks

  • Text Alternatives - Provide text alternatives for any non-text content.
    • Non-text Content - Criteria Met. Images on the website have alternative text tags.
  • Time-based Media - Provide alternatives for time-based media.
    • Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded). Criteria Met. There are no prerecorded audio or video elements on this website.
    • Captions (Prerecorded). Criteria met. There are no prerecorded audio content on the website.
    • Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded) Criteria met. There are is no audio or video element for the website.
    • Captions (Live). Criteria met. There is no live audio element on the website.
    • Audio Description (Prerecorded). Criteria met. There is no prerecorded video, and no need for an audio description for it.
  • Adaptable - Create content that can be presented in different ways without losing information or structure.
    • Information and Relationships Success Criteria 1.3.1 - Not Met. It is suspected that tables that list user profiles don't contain correct markup to connect the table cells with the headers.
    • Meaningful Sequence Success Criteria 1.3.2 - Criteria Met
    • Sensory Characteristics Success Criteria 1.3.3 - Criteria Met
  • Distinguishable - Make it easier for users to see and hear content including separating foreground from background.
    • Use of Color - Criteria met.
    • Audio Control - Criteria met. There is no audio element on the website.
    • Contrast (Minimum) - Criteria met. A color contrast analyzer was used on the site.
    • Resize Text - Criteria met. Using Cntrl and + keys as a zoom technique all content was present at maximum zoom.
    • Images of Text - Criteria met. Two images on the site do have text in them. The images are links and contain alt text. Also they are considered logotypes, and are exempt from this criteria.
    • Low or No Background Audio - There is no prerecorded audio on the site.
  • Keyboard Accessible - Make all functionality available from a keyboard.
    • Keyboard - Criteria met.
    • No Keyboard Trap - Criteria met. Tab key was used to navigate through all screens and no trap was detected.
  • Enough Time - Provide users enough time to read and use content.
    • Timing Adjustable - Criteria met. The only time relative feature on the website is an idle timeout. If 15 minutes passes with no interaction the user is logged out and returned to the login page on the next attempted action. This falls in the Essential Exception category, having the ability to extend this would violate our security requirements.
    • Pause, Stop, Hide - Criteria Met. None of the elements on the web site move, blink, scroll or update automatically.
  • Seizures - Do not design content in a way that is known to cause seizures.
    • Three Flashes or Below Threshold - Criteria met. There are no flashing elements on the website.
  • Navigable - Provide ways to help users navigate, find content, and determine where they are.
    • Bypass Blocks - Criteria Met. A skip link is present to bypass the navigation links that are present on every page.
    • Page Titled - Criteria Met. All the pages have a meaningful title.
    • Focus Order - Criteria Met.
    • Link Purpose (In Context) - Criteria Met.
    • Multiple Ways - Criteria Failed. In general there is only ONE way to get to each page of the website. This could be easily fixed by adding a site map page that contained a link to all pages of the website.
    • Headings and Labels - Criteria Met.
    • Focus Visible - Criteria Met. The default focus of a small dotted line is always present. However depending on the element that has focus, it can be difficult to see.
  • Readable - Make text content readable and understandable.
    • Language of Page - Criteria Met
    • Language of Parts - Criteria Met. There are no changes in language on the website.
  • Predictable - Make Web pages appear and operate in predictable ways.
    • On Focus - Criteria Met.
    • On Input - Criteria Met.
    • Consistent Navigation - Criteria Met.
    • Consistent Identification - Criteria Met.
  • Input Assistance
    • Error Identification - Criteria Met.
    • Labels or Instructions - Criteria Met.
    • Error Suggestion - Criteria Met.
    • Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data) - Criteria Met.
  • Compatible
    • Parsing -
    • Name, Role, Value - Criteria Failed. Most of the buttons in the website are built using div and span tags. These won't convey adequate information to assistive technologies.